
Monday, March 30, 2009



我们不需要等到三月二十八日节省能源, 就今天开始吧.

Monday, March 16, 2009

If I were the boss

If I were the boss
*mornin boss how r u? bagus bagus...*
Even just for a day
*one chance only u know..what will u do ar? tats y im tellin u la..wait la..*
I would change the station name from Hitz to Radio Ean and JJ
*tats a nice ring to it.. tats y, just for u bro..*

If I were the boss
*wat will uuuuu do?*
Work will start on Tuesday
*wat do u think? i like i like, Wednesday also can*
We will end the week on Thursday and everyday will be halfday
*maybe 2hrs onli..better*

If I were the boss
I think I could understand
How it feels to work on budget
And give a raise of 20cent
Hang out with the girls
*babe apa khabar?..bagus~*
And be hard on the guys
*sori ar brother..have to la, cari makan*
Might dispatch me riding Harleys
Our trips will be to Bali
If we bankrupt I will break down and cry

If I were the boss
I'll come up with a plan
*check it out ar..ehem ehem*
Make everyone do all the work
Take the credit and look like the man
*wah banyak handal ar u..thank u thank u*

If I were the boss
My lunch break would be 2days
*wah so long ar..yala then onli enuf time to eat*
I have PS3 in my room 200inch LCD and play all day
My way..JJ

If I were the boss
I think I could understand
How it feels to work on budget
And give a raise of 20cent
Hang out with the girls
*u looking very pretty today, naik gaji*
And be hard on the guys
*hey she looks pretty ok u do all her work..nonsense*
Might dispatch me riding Harleys
Our trips will be to Bali
If we bankrupt I wil break down and cry

Cause I will always come in late
Just to show who I'm
And if I was a girl I wil make them all call me Ma'am
*mornin Ma'am*
If you thought I would be nicer
Then you thought it wrong~
*adui sakit..tarikla sikit*

But we are not the boss
*i knw tis sadly..haih...*
So we cannot cuti....cannot cuti..
Come to office really early
To try to make some money
So we can open stall jual nasi

*goreng, pattaya, kandar, lemak, wat else ar? ah..dagang.. so now wat do we do? i dunno..wait for the song to finish la cuz we r not the boss.. o yea...tunggu boss cakap la..boss..boss..okok thank u...ok bye boss..*

check this out...great song...

Saturday, March 14, 2009


全球金融风暴之影响与打击下,所见到的皆是减薪裁员,公司一间间连接倒闭。在经济不景中多种生意都首当其冲,我的公司也不列外。其实很多老板贵为市侩的人, 或身家过百万的上市总裁, 总有济世为怀的心,但会有那个不顾虑公司营收呢?

就料到有此一天了,人人敬畏的大老板,以cut cost为题的会议已经连续开了好几天了。大家都纷纷提出意见,比如午休关冷气呀,不能claim OT呀,取消津贴呀,不过老板几乎不太满意答案…老板不要自己讲,要你们提出具体的意见。讲讲下就没得讲了,大家都沉默了, 因为最后最后的答案是减薪。减薪毕竟比裁员来的好吧,暂且不说减薪的后遗症,没了份工就影响了家庭生计了。

终于有人打破沉默了, 减薪吧。大家的福利都被扣掉了,又要减薪。老板讲了一大堆理由,一大堆故事,一大堆数据,不外是要大家接受减薪。Do you agree? 你几乎没有的选择Yes or No, 你只可以选择OK。

最后老板决定,所有员工减薪,减薪的幅度在3%至20%,RM 1,000以下没有影响。减薪建议通过了,下个月开始实行。而我当然无法幸免,被扣5%,差不多几十块钱。说多不多,说少不少,无可奈何也无动于衷,只能一笑置之,平静的接受这事实。

左边通货膨胀高涨, 钞票缩水; 右边被公司减薪,对打工一族真的是左右为难了。昨天是残酷的,今天也是残酷的,明天是美好的,而很多人都死在今天的晚上。希望大家都可以敖过这次的难关。