
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Don't trust me - 3OH!3

Black dress, with the tights underneath.
I've got the breath of a last cigarette on my teeth.
And she's an actress, actress, but she ain't got no need.
She's got money from her parents in a trust fund back east.

T-t-t-tongues, always pressed to your cheeks.
While my tongue is on the inside of some other girl's teeth.
T-tell your boyfriend, if he says he's got beef,
That I'm a vegetarian, and I ain't fucking scared of him.

She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a ho.
Never trust a ho.
Won't trust 'cause a ho
Don't trust me.

She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, woah-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a ho.
Never trust a ho.
Won't trust
'Cause a ho don't trust me.

X's on the back of your hands,
Wash them in the bathroom to drink like the bands,
And the set list, you stole off the stage,
Had red and purple lipstick all over the page.

Br-br-br-bruises, cover your arms.
Shaking in the fingers with the bottle in your palm.
And the best is, (best is) no one knows who you are,
Just another girl: alone at the bar.

She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a ho.
Never trust a ho.
Won't trust cause a ho don't trust me.

She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a ho.
Never trust a ho.
Won't trust
'Cause a ho don't trust me.

Shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said shush girl, shut your lips.
Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips.

She wants to touch me who-oh.
She wants to love me who-oh.
She'll never leave me who-oh, who-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a ho.
Never trust a ho.
Won't trust
'Cause a ho don't trust me.

She wants to touch me whoa-oh.
She wants to love me whoa-oh.
She'll never leave me whoa-oh, whoa-oh, oh, oh.
Don't trust a ho.
Never trust a ho.
Won't trust 'Cause a hoe don't trust me. x2

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


我的IC 好了要去拿, 就请假半天, 选择今天去Wangsa Maju 的JPN拿. 因为拜五马来人要祈祷, 那些公务员也要祈祷, 又塞车…

同事问我为什么不要拜五请假半天去, 拜六不用做工嘛. 我想想也对, 打算拜五去. 谁知一大早internet down 我什么东西都不到, 我就选择今天去…

我到了Wangsa Maju 已经两点多, 人不多, 公务员也不多. 等我那到已经三点…

我想到这么久没有来了, 就选择去吃那边的斋饭. 我想到今天的斋饭蛮好吃, 就选择去打包两盒回家.

时间三点多了, 我想走走拉曼校园, 但想到等下放工会塞车, 我选择回家.

我刚走进MRR2后, 一个中年肥胖的马来人, 驾着WQW 7364的摩多. 突然飞到我旁边 , 无端端hong我, 还出中指. 我当时不知道发生什么事, 我可以选择不理他, 不过最后我也给回他中指.

我从后镜看到他示出锁头, 要我停下, 不然就要碎镜. 我可以选择不理他, 不过我的Auto车不够他跑的, 前面路段塞车一定被追上的. 那一刹间当我还在想着要怎么办时, 他割车飞到我车前停下来. 我当是时是在MRR2 的fast line.我 驾着一百也被迫停下来.

他叫我去路边, 我选择不理他, 选择MRR2 的fast line停着, 让人注意. 他下了摩多, 我开了一点的车窗. 他大骂我刚才T Juntion 没有打signal. “I tahu you belajar dekat Rahman, Babi” “Saya orang KL, tinggal di sini!”

我承认没有打signal. 当时在T Juntion路口有车, , 左边是去MRR2, 右边是去Wangsa Maju, 我是确认右边没有车了才转左. 我转左他也转左是不会妨碍, 除非他是T Juntion没有停, 摄青鬼突然在我左边, 我转左时吓到他.

我遇到路霸了. 他站在马路中间, 我把车停在马路中间没下车, 他要碎镜, 我瞪着他. 短短几分钟已经大塞车了. 他无可奈何临走前竟然大力敲我的车盖. 那一刹间, 我要追他? 还是踩油送他回家? 不过最后我忍下了.

WQW 7364穿着Syabas (蓝白的水供制服)的那个中年肥胖马来人, 我的车刚刚修好不想惹麻烦,也不想你的血沾污我的第一辆车, 更不想因你坐牢, 所以没有是踩油送你回家.

以你的 摄青鬼的才华和T Juntion路口不停的特技, 你将来一定可以连人带车摄去卡车底, 撞到”水落石出”.
希望你以后能给巴士撞死, 给罗里撞死, 给卡车撞死, 祝你梦想成真

Thursday, May 7, 2009


我之前中了皮肤病, 全身出现红斑, 发痒. 有的还恶化, 出脓. 连续看了几次中医和西医, 现在慢慢要好回了, 没有想到一波未平, 另一泼又起…

皮肤发痒, 假使我吃了止痒药, 涂了止痒膏也未必有效. 有时忍不住, 就抓它, 越抓越爽的, 当然皮肤病就变恶化了. 最近大热天都不下雨, 而我的办公室位子背后是玻璃窗, 太阳直接照进来, 像微波炉一样热, 我唯有把冷气开到最大. 冷气开大了, 多多少少会有一些冷气水出来. 滴到桌子. 你会问有没有流到一桶水, 其实那里滴那几滴水, 给它一茶匙啦, 需要在那边呱呱大叫小题大作吗?

经理看到很不满, 就叫我关小冷气, 说冷气开大很容易坏,冷气水滴到桌子.但是我的病还没有康复呀, 搽了药膏后出汗就会不舒服. 我口头上答应他但没有照做. 不是我不要听, 只是有时忍不到, 我就把冷气开大.

冷气水出来又出来了, 好一个经理很生气,发短讯给管理层的个人.

他说我会弄坏冷气, 不听他的指示. 我只是因为皮肤病发痒才把冷气开打, 平时下雨天气冷我会把它关掉, 他不说.

他说别人只是开二十多度, 没有错, 可是他们的位子在那里, 他们都是室内的没有窗没有被太阳照到, 当然不热!

他说之前冷气有坏过! 没有错, 为什么坏? 冷气不热! 为什么冷气不热? 因为从那个缩压器接到冷气机那条管漏气! (是维修人员说的哦) 为什么那条管漏气? 我不知道, 不过我知道是不关我事!

他因为这件事发了十几封的短讯, 越讲越过份, 之后无理取闹了, 我也不想回复他了.

“Why are you still so stubborn?”
“You want me to send you full time on site? No acond to cool ur skin!” (好一个乘我病拿我命)
“U shd Listen, think and follow to all our advises and instructions. If no go and find other job.”
“I have a few candidates to replace you. “Seng Mok Tik”

现在重点是冷气容易坏? 还是冷气水滴到桌子? 还是我没有听指示(命令)?